Monday, October 03, 2011


Is it possible that America really is doomed to sink to an "also-ran" country?  That's the major impression I got from Michael Lewis's article "California and Bust" in Vanity Fair.  It reminded me that too many Americans have been living beyond their means for the last decade or so and the merry-go-round of debt- and speculation-fueled growth may stop permanently.   In this context, Occupy Wall Street is too little and too late, not the seeds of real change.


Ken Hoop said...

The Great Americlown, Bill Cunningham, who rallied to the side of the banksters bailout when his friend John Boehner started crying in Congress, today actully said on his local show while attacking OWS, "market forces should regulate the banks- not the government."

It's good when any street protestors no matter if their demands are somewhat erratic, can disturb and expose the true loyalties of the Big Media elite who are in the pinch, banksters agents.

For an actual (semi)populist reaction...


"Until you withdraw your consent through lawful refusal to produce that which can be taxed, force political change to take place and the thieves and liars to be held to account, it's not going to change. You will be shorn like sheep and occasionally one or more of you will be turned into lambchops and consumed. How many of you have to lose your homes to abusive foreclosures - on the back of abusive lending? How many of you need to lose your jobs to abusive offshoring in the guise of "global competition" and "free trade"? How many of you need to have your retirement portfolios shredded once again? You've lost 8% in your retirement portfolio (if in the S&P 500) in the last three days alone - how many more days of this do you need? How many times do you need to see the people who rob you each and every day sipping champagne from their 30th floor multi-million dollar apartments while you scrounge for scraps in the street and wave signs?"

Ken Hoop said...

Glen Beck promoter, frequent sub and wannabe Doc "Quack" Thompson weighed in with his opinion of Occupy Wall Street today. It seems union members and Ron Paul libertarians alike are all overprivileged spoiled yuppies--which in fact most Clear Channel talk jobbers like Doc more nearly resemble.

If Cunningham's standout self-disqualifying "blunder" yesterday was claiming market forces should regulate banks, not government, Thompson had an equally revealing "faux pas."

It seems, according to Quack, John Boehner FORCED.....Henry Paulsen and the coterie of banksters who collapsed the economy with
derivatives deceitfully bundled into exponentially growing fungi TO TAKE THE BAILOUT!

Yes any member of Congress who voted for the bailout forced it on the parasites who did not desire it. On the contrary, Occupy Wall Street is filled with Commies and Socialists who hate the otherwise healthy system of capitalism and want to destroy it.

This is what qualifies as Clear Channel discussion of the economic problems which beset America.

Thompson is a Tea Party supporter and frequently speaks at their gatherings. The fact of the matter is, Quack, if you and your Tea Party cohorts had followed thru with your initial goal of pressuring for the criminal prosecution of the banksters who collapsed the economy, after capturing Congress, you might not have to witness the "unseemly" cross section of disparate Occupy Wall Street protestors upset your runaway capitalist collapsing status quo.

Keep fronting for the parasites, Doc, you transparent quack.

Ken Hoop said...

Quackster Beck wannabee Thompson amended his lie of yesterday, conceding he meant "some" not all of the banks who didn't want to, were forced to take the bailout by Congress.

He evidently felt this concession could be rendered deftly under the melodramatic exhortation that Occupy Cincy and Wall Street were led by "leftist terrorists" who planned on executing every CEO and banker in the United States before ushering in a Communist dictatorship.

What, Doc--no re-education camps for at least some of the needed talent?

The Dork was stymied however when a Ron Paul supporter called in and said many Tea Party and Paul supporters were taking part in Occupy Wall Street.

All sarcasm aside, Thompson is indicative of the Greedy Capitalist fellow travelers who are seriously worried that somehow, someway High Finance parsitism, which they call capitalism will be reined in and wealth spread more equably throughout the population. Hence he sermonized his sheep "go after the government, not the bankers."

The government of course, as Senator Durbin has conceded, was and is owned, virtually lock stock and barrel by the banksters and Wall Street. It's called "regulatory capture" and the last thing in the world Thompson wants is for the big banks to be broken up, a national bank installed, banksters punished in criminal court for Rico Act violations, with lengthy prison sentences resulting, and derivatives outlawed or minimized by high taxation and the Glass Stegall act's reinforcement.

In short, Thompson wants the government reined in and the banksters to run wild. That's his definition of capitalism and his invitation to the banksters to collapse the economy one more time.