Friday, October 07, 2011


Both groups are very upset with the banksters but only the Occupiers seem to want to make real changes to the MOTU system.  Mark Meckler (Tea Party Patriots) and Judson Phillips (Tea Party Nation) both think the Occupiers have little in common with the Baggers.  David Cay Johnston sees the basis for a widespread movement: will hear common themes from libertarians and liberals, truck drivers and college professors, atheists and believers.

Some are articulate, others inchoate. But there is absolute agreement that the super rich, especially the financiers, are sophisticated thieves who steal not with guns, but something called derivatives.
For me, the good news is that major GOP players like Rep. Paul Broun and Rep. Eric Cantor are scared by the Occupiers.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Excellent, outing Cantor's support of Likudist brutality.