Thursday, October 06, 2011


I just got a flyer from a guy who's with the local movement and according to him, starting Oct. 15th there will be some people at the Pancho Villa Park (Broadway & Congress) all the time. The web site is impressive by Tucson standards and other groups, like MoveOn, are getting behind the effort to hold the banksters accountable.


Ken Hoop said...

The Great Americlown and voice of the bankers, I mean common man, Bill Cunningham hosted and lied to a young collegiate Occupy Cincy neophyte organizer on his show today. I mailed Occupy Cincy the truth about Bill's Big Lie of the Day.

Cunningham is a part time New Yorker now, filming his Jerry Springer wanna be TV show featuring cheating housewives and hookers-while suggesting on radio the Occupy Wall Street folks often don't come up to his standards of decorum.

The Lie: Bill said his banker friends assured him the bailout had been repaid and taxpayers made whole so not to worry. I'm here to give Sean DuBois the facts outlined here.

Since Cunningham repeated the Saddam still had WMD lies from 2002to 2009 to justify Bush's costly war, and berate the antiwar "surrendercrats," he's no stranger to deception..

Ken Hoop said...

For Doc Thompson

"It Depends on The Semite"

Beck wannabee and promoter, Dork Thompson had another objection to OWS today. Besides being a band of leftist terrorists who wanted to kill every CEO, he said the organization was "anti-semitic."

Evidently the Quack saw some signs among protestors noting the prominence of folks like Robert Rubin, Greenspan, Bernanke and Blankfein who had come to wrong conclusions about Wall Street's villains ethnic distributions.

Soon after, Thompson did an advertisement singing the praises of Israel Firster Glen Beck's production tonight which exposes shocking evidence of "Muslim Influence in America."