Thursday, October 06, 2011


(h/t Atrios)
The Establishment Media didn't bother to tell us that Granpa McCain had a serious anger problem and they didn't bother to tell us what a frigging zombie bitch Sarah Palin is. Now a REAL insider with no axe to grind steps forward:
Q&A with Palin Advisor-Turned-Novelist Nicolle Wallace
By Claire Suddath Wednesday, Oct. 05, 2011

Well, first let me just say that the novel is by no means meant to build a case against Sarah Palin. However, to the extent that the people around [the fictional vice president] Tara watched in this troubled state of confusion, despair and helplessness as she flailed around — that was something I experienced. Palin vacillated between extraordinary highs on the campaign stage — she ignited more enthusiasm than our side had seen at any other point — to debilitating lows. She was often withdrawn, uncommunicative and incapable of performing even the most basic tasks required of her job as McCain's running mate.

There certainly were discussions — not for long because of the arc the campaign took — but certainly there were discussions about whether, if they were to win, it would be appropriate for her to be sworn in.

1 comment:

muebles tarragona said...

So, I do not actually consider this may have success.