Saturday, October 08, 2011


Yesterday he was on Sean "The Baby Jesus" Hannity's show and said that the lack of values is responsible for what's going on in Wall Street.  For a bit I thought he was referring to the immorality of the banksters but I was wrong:
The Occupy Wall Street protests "don't curry much favor" for Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who told CNBC Friday that the protesters are a "fringe group."

"These are the same old folks who have been protesting since the Vietnam war ... they really don't curry much favor in my book," Santorum said about the anti-Wall Street protests that have escalated in cities around the country.

"This is the hard core of the Democratic Party, which, if I were Barack Obama — and I'm not giving advice to the president — I would certainly distance myself from," Santorum, who is running to replace Obama in 2012, said Friday on CNBC.

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