Sunday, October 02, 2011


I almost feel a tiny bit sorry for Gov. Goodhair Secession:
Republican politician calls out Rick Perry’s ‘Muslim blind spot’
Posted on September 28, 2011 at 4:47 pm by Kate Shellnutt in Campaign 2012, General, Issues

Here’s what Tom Tancredo, a former Republican congressman from Colorado and a Republican president hopeful in the last election, had to say in a post for The Daily Caller:
He extends his taxpayer-funded compassion not only to illegal aliens but also to Muslim groups seeking to whitewash the violent history of that religion. Perry endorsed and facilitated the adoption in Texas public schools of a pro-Muslim curriculum unit developed by Muslim clerics in Pakistan….
Perry’s close alliances with pro-Islamic Republican activists like Grover Norquist give additional cause for concern. Norquist supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens and is well known in Washington, D.C. circles for his tireless efforts to build Republican bridges to pro-amnesty groups and to slander advocates of immigration enforcement as “racists.” Norquist also has close ties to the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), whose Houston chapter bragged in a recent newsletter that “Rick Perry’s relationship with Muslims may set him apart.” Precisely so, but not in a way that helped him with voters in the Florida straw poll.
BTW, Tancredo also supports reactionary Arizona state senator Russell Pearce:
Russell Pearce group may be violating state law on donations
Officials: Campaign-finance rules ban anti-recall corporate donations
by Mary K. Reinhart - Jun. 7, 2011 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic

Team America, a political-action committee headed by former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., sent an e-mail blast Friday soliciting corporate and private donations for Citizens Who Oppose the Pearce Recall.

But state elections officials say Arizona law bans corporate and union donations to influence an election, and that includes opposing a recall effort.

1 comment: said...

Hey, there is so much worthwhile info above!