Saturday, November 26, 2011


(h/t Anne Laurie at Balloon Juice)

I barely noticed another creep at the AEI/Heritage Foundation Gong Show Event but Charles Peirce was certainly paying attention:

Edwin Fking Meese?
The man who was breaking the heads of the civilly disobedient in Berkeley forty-one years before the Cal-Davis cops discovered what fun chemical weapons are? Ronald Reagan's devoted porn sleuth? (Elsewhere on The Meese Commission was Father Bruce Ritter, the famous priest who ministered to the runaways in Times Square, and the angry prophet against neon-lit sleaze, who later was discovered to have been sharing his penis, as well as the Lord's grace, with his charges.) The attorney-general who gave the Iran-Contra crooks just enough time to do the shredding? The man who once said that Miranda protects only the guilty, that the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence was a"pro-lesbian" group, and that employers should be able to discriminate against employees with AIDS if the employer decides he's protecting the public health?

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Ed Meese was also big..i.e. key on helping sponsor regular Washington DC "Christian" Zionist "prayer" meetings, designed to keep US policy firmly aligned with Israel, because, well, God wills that Christian Palestinians be dispossessed and oppressed. You could have asked his bud Jerry Falwell, then popular who refused even to allow his flock to visit Christian Palestinian refugee camps
on his frequent "Holy Land" tours.