Tuesday, November 15, 2011


(h/t Atrios)
From a research paper by Miles Corak and Patrizio Piraino (here and here):
The bottom line is that about 40% of us have at some point worked for exactly the same firm that at some point also employed our fathers. But if dad’s earnings put him in the top 25% these chances are above average, they start taking off if dad was in the top 5%, and reach the stratosphere for top earners. Almost 7 out of 10 sons of top earning dads had a job with his employer.

All parents want to help their children in whatever way they can. But top earners can do it more than others, and with more consequence: virtually guaranteeing, if not a lifetime of high earnings, at least a great start in life.
Here's a nice graph showing how great it is to be a child of the top 1% -
The answer to the title question: Charles Koch

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