Monday, November 28, 2011


That was my first take on this column in the NY Times by Thomas Edsell, "The Future of the Obama Coalition". Edsell put it this way: "the party will explicitly abandon the white working class...whites without college degrees are effectively replaced by well-educated socially liberal whites in alliance with the growing ranks of less affluent minority voters, especially Hispanics." This has gotten some attention from Fats Limbaugh and other wingnuts and they are trying to make it seem that Pres. Obama has found a new way to destroy America.

In fact, the underlying work the column was based on merely admits the obvious: The Dems have lost the rubes since the GOP implemented the Southern Startegy in the 1960s and there's no point putting a lot of effort into winning over some Baggers.


Ken Hoop said...

The "rubes" are such if they don't understand the GOP elite won't give them tariffs, a strong immigration policy and a national economic-industrial policy.

These are about as rube-ish as the effete libs who took it for granted, as examples, that Obama would stand by single payer or public option,not increase substantially wasteful warring, replete with drone bombing atrocities in AFPAK, close Gitmo,
etc etc.

Steve J. said...

These are about as rube-ish as the effete libs who took it for granted, as examples, that Obama would stand by single payer or public option

Yup, I'm an effete rube!