Wednesday, December 21, 2011


(h/t Steve Benen)

I noted below that she weakly implied that most Americans are sick of war and a new poll by CNN/ORC International:
(CNN) – Most Americans agree with the decision to end the war in Iraq, according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Wednesday. Almost eight in ten said they support removal of combat troops from that country by the end of this year.

And although 96% are proud of U.S. troops who served in Iraq, just one in three consider the war a victory and more than half call it a stalemate.

Now, two-thirds say they oppose the war and more think the U.S. made a mistake sending troops to Iraq in the first place 53% to 46% over those who do not think it was a mistake.

Americans are similarly divided over whether they agree with then-Sen. Barack Obama's opinion that it was a "dumb" decision to send troops to Iraq in 2003 - 51% say it was dumb and 45% say it was smart.
If these opinions hold up over the next year, the GOP candidate will have a hard time trying to play the National Security Card.


Ken Hoop said...

Obama sure has helped by repudiating his man Panetta's assessment a few days ago that the war was worth it, hasn't he?

And many say, tacitly letting the modern day Westmorelands take the lead in lying us into an ultimately extended stay in Afghanistan.

Rhetorical, unless you care to elaborate a position.

Ken Hoop said...

Some interesting comments, analysis here but I would also add Panetta is also telling the public we are winning in Afghanistan, with no admonishment from Obama, and contrary to the dominant majority of neutral reports.