Sunday, December 18, 2011


I was listening to a local wingnut radio show this afternoon and I heard the host claim that 31,000 scientists don't think there is man-made global warming. Of course, that petition is pretty much a joke but the level of ignorance among Americans is widespread.

In 2010, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that 908 climate scientists, who were defined as persons who had at least 20 publications on climate, overwhelmingly support the notion of man-made global warming. Below, "UE" refers to those climate scientists who are "unconvinced by the evidence" for man-made global warming:
The UE group comprises only 2%of the top 50 climate researchers as ranked by expertise (number of climate publications), 3% of researchers of the top 100, and 2.5% of the top 200, excluding researchers present in both groups (Materials and Methods). This result closely agrees with expert surveys, indicating that ≈97% of self-identified actively publishing climate scientists agree with the tenets of ACC (2).

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