Sunday, January 29, 2012


Drudge hasn't endorsed Mittens but he's more than willing to headline dirt about Newt. From the NYT:
A team of some of the most fearsome researchers in the business, led by Mr. Romney’s campaign manager, Matt Rhoades, spent days dispensing negative information about Mr. Gingrich, much of it finding its way to the influential Drudge Report, which often serves as a guide for conservative talk radio and television assignment editors and to which Mr. Rhoades has close ties.

The effort hit a peak by Thursday, when the site was virtually taken over by headlines assailing Mr. Gingrich, whose advisers said they eventually gave up on trying to persuade the Drudge staff to spare them, acknowledging, in the words of one aide, that “very little can be done.”

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

This gives me the opportunity to expose a second string Police State Charlatan....

who poses as an anti-Patriot Act "libertarian" but called for Homeland Security to crack down on OWS today.

The best anti-Elite elements of OWS and Ron Paullites, libertarians (left and right)
tradcons, etc, are capable of putting aside their differences and working together against the Bankster-Zionist-Military-Industrial Complex.

Then there are the Clear Channel Big Media pretend anti-Police staters like Brian Thomas who said he was going to support vulture capitalist outsourcer Mitt Romney if necessary yet calls himself an anti-elitist. To yuppies like Thomas, stability and the status quo trump action to get the banksters jailed and the outsourced working class made whole again. OWS scares this pretend anti-Elitist to his core.