Wednesday, February 29, 2012


That sentence was on a sign at a OWS site and I'm getting to like it a lot because of the weirdness of conservatives about money and sex. Years (decades?) ago I recall a NY Times article about how a $1 million income wasn't really all that much in NYC at a time when I was living on about $700/month. Today, Bloomberg has a similar article about the hard times the MOTU are going through because their precious bonuses aren't as big (h/t Atrios). Here's a factoid to put a quote from the article in perspective: the poverty line for a family of 2 in America is $14,710. Here's the quote:
A labradoodle named Zelda and a rescued bichon frise, Duke, cost $17,000 a year, including food, health care, boarding and a daily dog-walker who charges $17 each per outing, he said.

Sex is also weird with these people. Cybercast News Service (CNS), an offshoot of krazy Brent Bozell's Media Research Center, had this story a coupe of days ago:

Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate

Not to be outdone, Fats Limbaugh went to the bottom of the barrel:

Limbaugh Calls Student Denied Spot At Contraception Hearing A ‘Slut’

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