Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I was listening to his radio show today and he once again warned about liberals/progressives starting riots this summer, a warning I believe he also made about last summer and the summer before.

Beck has taken to defending his apocalyptic claims by admitting that he's often wrong about the timing but not about the eventual state of affairs.  Of course, Beck is no more reliable than Aesop's  Boy Who Cried Wolf as I learned from doing a LexisNexis search on CNN and FOX News for "Glenn Beck" and "riots."

The earliest occurrence is on CNN, 5/31/2006:
BECK: You remember the Muslim riots over the Mohammed cartoon? How could you forget? Riots could actually happen here, too, but for a very different reason. And we`ll show you why in just a few minutes.
The nest one is on 10/30/2006:
BECK: If you think that`s what`s happened in France and England and that is just Europe`s problem, you`re kidding yourself. American Muslims feel even more isolated and more angry than those in Europe. The only question is we`ll have the same kinds of violence and riots here or if what we will experience will be much, much worse.
This one from 11/16/2006 is a longer excerpt so you can get the context:
BECK: Last night our special on radical Islam called "Exposed: The Extremist Agenda", it aired, and we have already received tons of feedback. The reaction has ranged from general shock to genuine anger by people who feel like they should have seen this video before. That, quite honestly, is exactly the response we were hoping for.

But one of my favorite part of last night`s show actually had nothing to do with exposing propaganda or threats. It was when we exposed the voice of Dr. Aslam Abdullah (ph). He is an American Muslim who had refreshingly harsh things to say about those who claim to be reacting in the name of his religion.

But I did disagree with Dr. Abdullah`s answer to the question of whether America may see the same kind of violence and riots that some parts of Europe have. Here`s his answer from last night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No way. I mean, America is far more -- democracy is a far better democratic structure than any other places where you see all of those kind of things. Here people have that kind of opportunity to express their ideas in a civil manner without being part of that.


BECK: Boy, I wish he were right, but I fear he`s not. Democracy or not, militant Islam is everywhere, including right here in the U.S.

I want you to take a look at a video of a group called the Islamic Thinker Society. They are based right here in New York City.
That's all LexisNexis turned up in 2006 and it's enough to confirm that Glenda has been crying wolf for at least the last 6 years.

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