Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I heard this on the BBC World Service very early this morning:
Breivik told the court he considered himself to be living in and fighting against a Marxist dictatorship, headed by the Labour Party, which was destroying what he called the indigenous population.
Later, I found that the AP had a little more about Breivik's delusions:
According to Breivik, Western Europe was gradually taken over by "Marxists and multiculturalists" after World War II because it didn't have "anti-communist" leaders like U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy. The senator dominated the early 1950s with his sensational but unproven charges of Communist subversion in high government circles in the U.S.

"But even McCarthy was too moderate," Breivik said.
and I almost immediately thought of Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and Michael Savage. All 3 have repeatedly accused Pres. Obama of being a Marxist and all 3 are just about as extreme as Breivik.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Paradoxically (to the uninititated)
runaway right-capitalism with its push for outsourcing and cheap labor, necessitating large-scale
immigration, is more destabilizingly revolutionary than many forms of socialism.