Sunday, April 29, 2012


but I found them when I was casually listening to the radio over the weekend.  The first one I encountered was Kevin Trudeau, a famous scam artist, who is now predicting, in a Glenda Beck style,  the end of the U.S. because of the millions of illegal immigrants who believe they deserve a free house.

I previously posted that I was disappointed in John B. Wells, the Saturday host of Coast to Coast AM, and yesterday I was amused to learn that Wells is a fan of Alex Jones, Info Wars and something called Full Spectrum Dominance.  Wells also had Joel Skousen,  the nephew of Cleon Skousen, one of Glenda Beck's heroes, on to discuss a real hodgepodge of theory about Globalists who are going to take over the world.  This also was presented in a style similar to Glenda Beck's ramblings.

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