Wednesday, June 27, 2012


it's certainly has not been a completely secular state.  The State of Israel provides full welfare to the Ultra-Orthodox and they were also exempt from military service.  Here are my sources:
Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Welfare Kings
There is no precedent in Jewish history for a whole community devoting itself to Torah scholarship.
November 12, 2010

Cloistered in poor towns and neighborhoods, exempted from conscription into the military and surviving largely off government handouts, the black-hatted ultra-Orthodox, known as Haredim, have long vexed more secular Israelis.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest draft plans
Published: June 25, 2012 at 7:14 AM

JERUSALEM, June 25 (UPI) -- About 5,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem protested government plans to draft them into a national civilian service or the Israeli military, police said.

Participants in the Monday protest smeared ash on their heads in a symbol of mourning over plans by the government to enlist them, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ordered the establishment of the Keshev Committee to create a new law to recruit ultra-Orthodox males into the army or national service programs. The committee was asked to draft a replacement for the Tal Law, which provided a legal framework for males in the ultra-Orthodox community to indefinitely defer military service for the sake of Torah studies.

In February, the High Court of Justice ruled the Tal Law -- due to expire Aug. 1 -- is unconstitutional, the newspaper said.

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