Monday, June 18, 2012


In addition to promising to spend zillions more on defense, Mittens also thinks the U.S. could not survive if we tried to contain a nuclear Iran.   Daniel Larison has a nice riposte to this Bush-era madness. and I think it's time the DNC start reminding people that Mittens will attempt to re-start the belligerent neo-con foreign policy.


Ken Hoop said...

I don't know what % of the Tea Party are having problems with
Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney,
but I do wish it was matched by libprogs disgust with Obama-and not only on the wars and Police State.

Steve J. said...

I don't know what % of the Tea Party are having problems with
Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney,

I've heard some complaints but I also don't know a percentage.