Friday, June 29, 2012


Fats has been one of the biggest promoters of this paranoid delusion...

National Review flays Fast and Furious 'conspiracy theory'
6/29/12 5:14 PM EDT

One of the best-known media outlets for the conservative cause, National Review, is dismissing a popular theory on the right that the Operation Fast and Furious gunrunning probe was part of a deliberate attempt by the Obama administration to advance gun control by sending weapons to Mexican drug gangs.

The scenario sounds improbable, but in a column earlier this week National Review's Robert VanBruggen took House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to task for fueling such suspicions.

"Some Fast and Furious critics have [been] concocting a conspiracy theory: specifically, that the Obama administration allowed the guns to go to Mexico deliberately in order to increase gun crime there, so it could cite that crime as a reason for more gun control here. And unfortunately, Fast and Furious’s lead critic, House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa, has joined them," VanBruggen wrote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It wouldnt be so far fetched considering how little ethics or principles democrats have. I do think it is funny how Issa punked Obama, Holder and Cummings by sliding wiretap info into congressional record. that proves Holder is a liar and senior DOJ officials knew about gun walking in fast and furious.