Sunday, July 01, 2012


There's almost no argument for PPACA better than getting money back from your health insurance company.
Insurance refund checks coming for 235,000 Arizonans
By Martha Maurer
Originally published: Jun 21, 2012 - 6:11 pm

Over 235,000 Arizona families will be getting a check for about $120 this summer thanks to the Affordable Care Act's 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 rule requires insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of consumers' premium dollars on medical care. If they don't, they have to reimburse the difference.

This was even covered by FAUX Business News:
Health-Care Reform Brings Insurance Rebates
by Jay MacDonald
Published June 26, 2012

Consumers and small businesses will receive an estimated $1.3 billion in premium rebates from insurers that last year failed to meet new federal health care reform standards designed to purge excessive administrative costs and profit-taking from America's health plans.

The new standard, known as the "medical loss ratio," or MLR, requires an insurer to spend at least 80% of your premium directly on your medical care if you purchased your own policy, or 85% if you're insured under an employer's plan. When those marks are missed, the Affordable Care Act requires the insurance company to refund the difference. The first of these annual rounds of insurance rebates, which cover premiums collected last year, must be issued by Aug. 1.

The Dept. of HHS has a lot more information here.

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