Sunday, July 22, 2012


The Hill confirms that the McCain 2008 campaign did get 23 years of tax returns from Mittens, so why not all of is?
Former McCain adviser: Romney taxes complex but not ‘disqualifying’
By Justin Sink - 07/22/12 01:40 PM ET
The Hill - Blog Briefing Room

A top campaign official who worked for Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) 2008 presidential bid and helped select his running mate said Sunday that Mitt Romney's tax returns "do not look anything like the average American," but held nothing which prevented him from being on the ticket.

Steve Schmidt, McCain's former campaign strategist, who viewed Romney’s tax returns when the presumptive nominee was being vetted for the vice presidential slot in the last cycle said Romney was an “extremely wealthy man.”

He said Romney had turned over 23-years’ worth of tax returns to the McCain campaign to vet that were extremely complex.
I don't know if Schmidt can be trusted about what's in the returns because according to POLITICO, on NBC's Meet the Press he said "he did not personally view Romney's tax returns.

Here's the Meet the Press transcript and here's the relevant quote:
GREGORY: But did you actually see them? Did your campaign see them?

MR. SCHMIDT: No, I-- I never-- people in the campaign saw them, I never saw them. But they’re-- but look, I-- I think on the-- you know, commonsense would tell you they’re-- they’re extremely complicated. And at the end of the day, no one is standing there to hand you a gold medal saying, “Hey, congratulations, you’ve been really transparent here.”

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