Friday, September 14, 2012


He's been trying to sell the idea that Pres. Obama deliberately does not get daily intelligence briefings.  This lie was started by another part of the Noise Machine, the Government Accountability Project and pushed by neo-con warwhore Marc Thiessen.

Here's the truth:
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney -- Golden, CO, 9/13/12

Lions Park/Golden Community Center
Golden, Colorado

10:30 A.M. MDT
Q Jay, Republicans are picking up on a column by a Washington Post writer looking at public records that says the President has missed a lot of national security briefings and has not attended one since September 5th. What's your response to that? Is he missing briefings that he should be attending, and what's your response to that?

MR. CARNEY: This line of criticism is based entirely on a fallacy. The President receives the presidential daily briefing every day of the week.

Q I'm sorry, say it again?

MR. CARNEY: He receives a presidential daily briefing, a PDB, every day of the week. He has briefings in person with his national security team most days when he is at the White House. He has extensive conversations with, meetings with and updates from his senior national security team, separate and apart from those specific meetings and from the PDB that's prepared every day for him. And when he is on the road -- as you know, he travels, as is the custom, with senior national security staff and is kept abreast of all the information that is provided in the PDB on a regular basis, and is in regular contact with his senior national security staff in Washington when he's on the road.

I find it -- I think that the President's record, when it comes to acting on -- interpreting correctly and acting on intelligence in the interest of the security of the United States is one that we are happy to have examined and it is one that he takes -- it is a responsibility that he takes enormously seriously.

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