Monday, October 08, 2012


The Washington Wire has the text of Mitten$ VMI speech as prepared for delivery and here are some of his bloopers:

-As the dust settles, as the murdered are buried, Americans are asking how this happened, how the threats we face have grown so much worse, and what this calls on America to do.
The threats HAVEN'T grown "so much worse."

-The relationship between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel, our closest ally in the region, has suffered great strains.
This is Netanyahu's fault.

-Across the greater Middle East, as the joy born from the downfall of dictators has given way to the painstaking work of building capable security forces, and growing economies, and developing democratic institutions, the President has failed to offer the tangible support that our partners want and need.
Pres. Obama has tried to support our partners but the GOP won't go along:

U.S. House Blocks Egypt From Receiving $450 Million In Aid
By DONNA CASSATA 09/28/12 05:44 PM ET EDT

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, said the State Department had notified Congress of plans to move the money to the new government of President Mohammed Morsi as Cairo struggles economically. The money is part of the nearly $1 billion in debt relief that President Barack Obama had promised Egypt earlier this year.

"This proposal comes to Congress at a point when the U.S.-Egypt relationship has never been under more scrutiny, and rightly so," the chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations said in a statement. "I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time. ... I have placed a hold on these funds."

-In Iraq, the costly gains made by our troops are being eroded by rising violence, a resurgent Al-Qaeda, the weakening of democracy in Baghdad, and the rising influence of Iran. And yet, America’s ability to influence events for the better in Iraq has been undermined by the abrupt withdrawal of our entire troop presence. The President tried—and failed—to secure a responsible and gradual drawdown that would have better secured our gains.
There is nothing else we can do to make Iraq a client state.

-It is time to change course in the Middle East. That course should be organized around these bedrock principles: America must have confidence in our cause, clarity in our purpose and resolve in our might. No friend of America will question our commitment to support them… no enemy that attacks America will question our resolve to defeat them… and no one anywhere, friend or foe, will doubt America’s capability to back up our words.
JFK said almost the same BS 50 years ago and it led to Vietnam:

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge—and more.
-Sir Winston Churchill once said of George Marshall: “He … always fought victoriously against defeatism, discouragement, and disillusion.” That is the role our friends want America to play again. And it is the role we must play.

Mitten$ wants to base his 21st Century foreign policy on the Cold War of the 20th Century== FAIL


Ken Hoop said...

Maliki went to Russia to do some dealing there, reports claim.
Yeah, no client state there.
The Baghdad-Tehran-Damascus-Moscow-Beijing informal alliance might be coalescing.

Frankly, Russia and China would be much more honest brokers in the Middle East than Zionist-dominated America.

Steve J. said...

I actually think China would be better. Russia, not so much.