Friday, October 05, 2012


This is how you harsh a buzz:
- "I got to meet Billy Hulse and Bill began a business, was very successful and then was involved in an accident and became quadriplegic," Romney said. ... "I reached down and I put my hand on Billy's shoulder and I whispered into his ear, and I said, 'Billy, God bless you, I love ya.' And he whispered right back to me - and I couldn't quite hear what he said," said Romney. "He tried to speak loud enough for me to hear. He died the next day."

- Next was the story of David Oparowski, the 14-year-old for whom Romney helped write a will before he died of leukemia.

- The last story Romney told was about Jane Horton, a woman from Oklahoma the candidate met at the Republican convention. Horton's husband was killed in Afghanistan days before the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and his funeral was protested by members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

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