Saturday, January 19, 2013


For those who missed it, Pres. Obama did NOT issue any executive orders about gun control but David Weigel found 7 reporters who FAILED to notice the difference between "actions" and "orders."

I used LexisNexis and found a few more bozos:
ALAN COLMES: One of the things the NRA has done and one of the things the president did yesterday is he has got 23 executive orders, one of them is that he's going to insist that there be data so that we understand what gun violence is in America. IMUS IN THE MORNING, 1/17/2013

HARI SREENIVASAN:...The president signed 23 executive orders this week, calling for such things as more research into gun violence. PBS NEWSHOUR, 1/18/2013

KRISTI LU STOUT: And he signed 23 executive orders that include opening a national dialogue on mental health, improving background checks and doing a better job of enforcing current laws. CNN INTERNATIONAL, 1/18/2013

RENEE MONTAGNE: And I'm Renee Montagne. President Obama says he's done what he could on his own. Yesterday he signed 23 executive orders related to gun control. NPR Morning Edition, 1/17/2013

LAWRENCE O`DONNELL: The president announced he would sign 23 executive orders giving law enforcement, schools and mental health facilities some additional tools to help reduce gun violence, including strengthening background check systems. MSNBC, THE LAST WORD WITH LAWRENCE O`DONNELL, 1/16/2013

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