Friday, January 25, 2013


No matter what JIndal says, The Stupids are a key part of the GOP.  Today's example is The Ace of Spades, who spews some more ignorance about Benghazi & The Video:
Consider: The government locked up a filmmaker because the filmmaker expressed his free speech rights in a way the president found politically problematic. Not only has the press shown no fears about this, they've actively campaigned for the man's jailing.
Here are the facts:
'Innocence of Muslims' Filmmaker Ordered Back to Prison

Nov. 8, 2012
ABC News

The California filmmaker who made "Innocence of Muslims," the anti-Muslim movie that set off violent protests worldwide, was sent to prison for a year Wednesday for violating the terms of his probation from a prior conviction.

Mark Basseley Youssef, AKA Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, AKA Sam Bacile, admitted that he had lied to his probation officer and used fake names.

Officials stressed during court proceedings Wednesday that the movie's contents and impact had no bearing on Youssef's case. After a prosecutor said "he's not here because of the content of the movie," Judge Christian Snyder said, "agreed."


Ken Hoop said...

yeah but stupid cuts Obama's way too.

Steve J. said...

yeah but stupid cuts Obama's way too. Yup but stupid seems to be one of the GOP's "timeless principles"

Ken Hoop said...

More Obama stupidity, or could it be treachery.

"And President Obama, for all the optimism about talks—and his inauguration speech about settling conflicts peacefully—has this month signed yet another new set of onerous sanctions against Tehran. US officials told The Washington Post that “the new policies are closer to a true trade embargo, designed to systematically attack and undercut Iran’s major financial pillars and threaten the country with economic collapse.” Obama signed the legislation containing the sanctions, which were backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, despite having hinted that he might veto it.

Obama obeying the Jews in pressuring Hagel to back off too?