Monday, May 06, 2013


Bill Keller, former Editor of the New York Times, sez that "Syria is not Iraq" but super blogger Andrew Sullivan points out that is sure seems like Syria is Iraq (h/t Digby):
A dictator leaving a vacuum in a half-liberated country? Check. A sectarian war we cannot understand let alone direct? Check. A Sunni insurgency increasingly allied with Jihadist elements? Check. Nebulous accusations and counter-accusations about WMDs, without hard proof of much at all? Check. A conflict swayed by interference across the region – from the Sunni monarchies to the Shi’a powers? Check.
I'm going with Andy on this one.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

The main enemy of the Amer-Israel Empire now is Iran, after Iraq was botched into the Iranian orbit, preceded by a Hezbollah mini-victory over Israel in 2006. So it's get Assad out or marginalized to get Hezbollah to get Iran.

Sadly the Saudis and Turks are cooperating.