Thursday, September 05, 2013


There are a lot of congressmen who want nothing to do with attacking Syria, FreedomWorks is opposed and even prominent neo-cons like Laura Ingraham don't want us to get involved.  On POLITICO, AIPAC is getting mostly well-deserved criticism for its decision to lobby for an attack.


Ken Hoop said...

I hope some of the criticism bluntly says American Jews must put American interests above Israel's. The problem might be,since 1960 an early trip to Israel for American Jewish youth has been the most effective source in offsetting the high intermarriage rate, after which few of the offspring identify as Jewish, fewer still of their kids.

Steve J. said...

I hope some of the criticism bluntly says American Jews must put American interests above Israel's.

Some of it was and at the time I posted, only one person who was an anti-Semitic extremist.