Sunday, October 06, 2013


(h/t Anne Laurie)

Josh Eidelson of SALON wrote up an interview he had with Bagger Rep. John Culbertson (TX) and got this bit of neutron star brain density:
So you don’t support legally preventing companies from denying people based on a pre-existing condition?
You let the states handle it, and then let the states set up high-risk pools for folks with pre-existing conditions. You keep the federal government out of it, because other than the United States military and – with very few exceptions, the US military being exhibit A, the federal government generally screws up everything it touches. And I do not want the federal government interfering in the healthcare of average Americans. Nor do my constituents. My constituents are absolutely apoplectic about Obamacare, and my job description is “Representative.”
What does that mean for Medicare then?
What does that mean for Medicare? What does that have to do with anything?
Well, should Medicare exist as a federal program?
That’s not even relevant to the conversation. Medicare has been the law for decades.
Do you believe that it should continue as is?
It’s been the law for decades. I’m not sure what you’re looking for.
UPDATE: Culbertson isn't the only Bagger moron in the House. (h/t Josh Marshall)
For Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), government shutdown is ‘the tremor before the tsunami’
By David A. Fahrenthold, Published: October 4

“I think we need to have that moment where we realize [we’re] going broke,” Yoho said. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, that will sure as heck be a moment. “I think, personally, it would bring stability to the world markets,” since they would be assured that the United States had moved decisively to curb its debt.

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