Monday, November 11, 2013


Some of the Baggers are really pissed off at the GOP as you can see from these excerpts from this post at Tea Party Nation:
In the 2010 midterm election I worked on the Sharron Angle campaign from beginning to end. During that election cycle it became obvious to the most casual of observers that We The People were fighting battles on TWO fronts: the Liberal / Democrat machine AND the Republican National Committee. 

It is time for open and aggressive insurrection by We The People AGAINST the GOP.

The GOP is NOT our friend. The GOP does NOT represent us or our values. The GOP is more focused on destroying the Tea Party and its supporters than it is interested in defeating the Liberal / Progressive / So-Called-Democratic agenda.

Wake Up America! We The People are AT WAR with our government - ALL of our government. We have very few “friends” in Washington like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.


Ken Hoop said...

I would be equally nice to read
something similar from the left vis a vis the Democratic national party.

Steve J. said...

I'd like an attack on the DLC/Corporate Democrats