Friday, March 14, 2014


Today, Limbaugh was in peak form.  He not only uttered an absurdity, he once again edited the transcript to make it seem more plausible:
The Soviets shot down KAL 007, remember, 'cause there was a guy who was opposed to the Trilateral Commission on board.  Remember that?  What was his name?  Big Bircher guy, John Birch Society member, was on board KAL 007, and the Russians shot it down not far from the Kamchatka peninsula.
Limbaugh originally said that the guy was on the Trilateral Commission AND a Bircher.  BTW, I Googled this theory and found out that a passenger on KAL 007 was a prominent Bircher: Rep. Larry McDonald.  This is from the Bircher site:
On March 14, 1983, Larry succeeded Robert Welch as Chairman of The John Birch Society. Later that year, in an attempt to expand the Western Goals Foundation overseas, he boarded Korean Air Lines flight 007, from New York City to Seoul, South Korea. On September 1, 1983 while en route to Seoul, following a refueling stop in Alaska, KAL 007 deviated off course into Soviet airspace where it was shot down by a Soviet MIG fighter jet over Sakhalin Island. This resulted in the loss of KAL 007’s crew and its passengers, 269 people, including Rep. McDonald. Missing in Action, Larry McDonald was the only U.S. Congressman lost to the communists during the Cold War. A memorial highway has been named in his honor in Georgia.

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