Sunday, February 15, 2015


(h/t Jimmy Dore Show)

Anyone doing the news should have been fired for talking like this about Fats Limbaugh:
WILLIAMS (9/24/02): Is it un-American to speak out against the Bush plan to take on Iraq? Is it democratic to ridicule and threaten those who do?

Call it the loyal opposition, caught in the crossfire tonight as the nation prepares to go to war, perhaps, and a former vice president ignites a firestorm.

ANNOUNCER: The News on CNBC continues. Here again is Brian Williams.

WILLIAMS: Good evening once again, and welcome back.
WILLIAMS (continuing directly): Today our friend, Rush Limbaugh, told his radio listeners he almost stayed home from work, not due to any health reasons but because he was so livid at the speech given yesterday by former Vice President Al Gore criticizing the Bush administration's apparent march to war in Iraq.

The anger that physically hobbled Mr. Limbaugh positively ignited his callers today, at least one of whom called Mr. Gore “un-American” for what he said yesterday.


Ken Hoop said...

this is why you never want to go with liberal interventionists or "realists."

Steve J. said...

this is why you never want to go with liberal interventionists or "realists." At least there were Libyans on "our" side, unlike Iraq.