Thursday, May 07, 2015


Fats Limbaugh is very rarely criticzed in the conservative media (here's one of the few examples I found) so this piece in Western Journalism is close to ground-breaking:
The Dismaying RINO Co-opting Of Rush Limbaugh
He effusively praised an egregious phony, Marco Rubio.

Lester Jackson, Ph.D. May 6, 2015 at 4:00pm

On April 14, Rush Limbaugh effusively praised an egregious phony, Marco Rubio. The next day, Limbaugh astonishingly defended that praise with toxic acquiescence in preemptive surrender to contempt for the Constitution and rule of law.

The gist of Limbaugh’s initial commentary was that Rubio is a “serious” candidate with a “powerful message.” How depressing! Where has Limbaugh been?

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