Saturday, January 13, 2007


I don't know if this is completely true but it did make The Feed on AOL.

White House denies story of Kagen visit
By Brian Tumulty
Gannett News Service
Posted January 11, 2007

President Bush, political adviser Karl Rove and Vice President Dick Cheney were among the many Republicans who campaigned against Kagen, a political novice who used $2.57 million of his personal wealth as a physician to win the open seat representing northeast Wisconsin.

Kagen, still hurting from the hard campaign, reportedly took note that Bush had come to Green Bay to campaign against him and congratulated the president for helping him win in an indirect reference to Bush's low approval rating. Kagen then reportedly greeted the president's wife, Laura Bush, by intentionally using the first name of the president's mother, Barbara, instead.

Kagen reportedly told the activists he held the door to a White House men's room closed when he was alone with Rove.

"You're in the White House and think you're safe, huh?" Kagen was said to have told Rove. "You recognize me? My name's Dr. Multimillionaire and I kicked your ass."

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