Saturday, February 17, 2007


Glenn takes Frank Gaffney to task for accusing Sen. Levin, among many others, of treason for speaking out against Fredo's Fiasco. Glenn's blog entry about his debate with Gaffney is here and thanx to Crooks & Liars, we have audio clips of a debate between Glenn and Gaffney from Alan Colmes radio show.

Gaffney has the temerity to suggest that there was "a wealth of evidence was available to the CIA that indicated a relationship existed between Iraqi agents and al Qaeda operatives, spanning more than a decade." The Defense Department's own Inspector General found that Feith and his colleagues in the Office of Special Plans went beyond the available intelligence when they asserted that there was a collaborative relationship between Saddam and Al-Qaeda. The DoD's IG report on this issue was also backed up by the Republican-controlled Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on pre-war intelligence.

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