Saturday, February 17, 2007


I wrote below about how Hannity lied about John Murtha and as usual, his lie made it to AOL. Here's how it starts:

DEMS NOW KILLING OUR TROOPS (NOTE: This is the thread title)
#1 - 2/17/07 10:45 AM (Msg Id: 523441:2890488)

dEMS CONGRESS has joined the enemy

#17 - 2/17/07 11:32 AM (Msg Id: 523441:2890822) Re:#16

So if I understand John Murtha correctly (and here in Pittsburgh, we get a chance to understand him a lot), he wants to deny American soldiers the equipment they need and deny American soldiers the training they need. OK, I think I understand. What a great plan. That'll sure cut down on American deaths.

#44 - 2/17/07 11:59 AM (Msg Id: 523441:2891041) Re:#43

you know the real quote....
where he says his legislation will make it so they
can't do anything.......can no longer conduct operations
why do libs hide from it........

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