Sunday, June 24, 2007


Okay, a small one but nonetheless I have to take a tiny step back from my opinion that it's nothing more than an agit-prop rag. As I was searching for some background on Paul Sperry, I found one honest piece he wrote ... and ... it's in WorldNet Daily. Here are some excerpts:

Yes, Bush lied
Posted: October 6, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON – A year ago, on Oct. 1, one of the most important documents in U.S. history was published and couriered over to the White House.

The 90-page, top-secret report, drafted by the National Intelligence Council at Langley, included an executive summary for President Bush known as the "key judgments." It summed up the findings of the U.S. intelligence community regarding the threat posed by Iraq, findings the president says formed the foundation for his decision to preemptively invade Iraq without provocation.

The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad:

had not sponsored past terrorist attacks against America,
was not operating in concert with al-Qaida,
and was not a terrorist threat to America.
According to the consensus of Bush's intelligence services, there was "low confidence" before the war in the views that "Saddam would engage in clandestine attacks against the U.S. Homeland" or "share chemical or biological weapons with al-Qaida."

Their message to the president was clear: Saddam wouldn't help al-Qaida unless we put his back against the wall, and even then it was a big maybe. If anything, the report was a flashing yellow light against attacking Iraq.

Bush saw the warning, yet completely ignored it and barreled ahead with the war plans he'd approved a month earlier (Aug. 29), telling a completely different version of the intelligence consensus to the American people.

That's inexcusable, and Bush supporters with any intellectual honesty and concern for their own families' safety should be mad as hell about it – and that's coming from someone who voted for Bush.


Anonymous said...

YOU are woefully inept. Health Care in the US is the best in the world.
Socialists like you and Michael More/or less have no clue of what you are spewing.
If it was not for the internet you would be an insignificant little political intellectual w/o a reason to live.
You and fat boy should at least get a handle on the economics of life before you start lecturing others on how to live in the modern world.
History tells us that dopes like you will not inherit the earth.
Only those who desire to be free of socialist lies and gullable wan a bees who control our politics will inherit the earth.

Steve J. said...

Health care in the U.S is NOT the best in the world. Just search "health care" here and you will find some REAL research on health care.

Anonymous said...

Saddam's links to al Qaeda have gotten more exposure post invasion as HUNDREDS of his closest men have been caught working with al Qaeda since 2002. I've compiled a list of these men for a book I am completing but some of them are listed at

Just because Saddam had links to al Qaeda though doesn't mean war was necessary. The two issues should be viewed independently to get the proper amount of scrutiny.