Monday, July 27, 2009


Eric Boehlert at MediaMatters thinks Fats Limbaugh has been scared off the birther nonsense because of the heat Lou Dobbs has been taking:
That was July 20, around the same time Dobbs waded into the birther pool and just days before the CNN host ignited massive media blowback. But here's the tell: Have you noticed Limbaugh's deafening silence about the birthers since July 20th?

If true, this would mean that Fats can be affected by bad press but unfortunately, it's not true :-( Limbaugh has mentioned the birther nonsense since July 20th:

July 23rd:
When I look at Obama -- who rides a cult not only of personality but also a culture of deception; when I look at the Saul Alinsky connection deceptions, the Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and Jeremiah Wright; more recently the birth certificate falsification question; the stimulus lies; the health care results lies; the ACORN connection lies; the firing of the inspector general; and his agenda for us, which he's just not being forthcoming about -- all of these things fall into, in my opinion, this culture of deception.

July 24th:
RUSH: Every day Barack Fonda is telling us who he is. Every day. He's Barack Fonda and Barack Nifong in one day. He's telling us exactly who he is. Pretty soon he's going to be… well, he's Barack Marx every day.

CALLER: It's outrageous.

RUSH: But now he's adding, you know, last names, and no birth certificate so he can paint whatever name he wants, Barack Nifong, Barack Fonda, it's a great point. I hadn't thought about that, about the parents, family members of those soldiers that are over there. This mission they're on, it's a huge offensive we're on, huge firefights are taking place.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Well, look, Bill, I'm glad you called. It's an excellent perspective.

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