Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Nicholas Graham at HuffPo has an informative clip of Tea Party Express organizer Mark Williams being interviewed on Anderson Cooper 360 and you can find the transcript here. Williams used to be a winger talk show host so it's not surprising that he's in tune with the agit-prop being spewed by people like Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin but it is instructive because you get almost all the memes in a few minutes of reading. Here's the selection of Williams statements I made from that interview and a later one.

- These were working stiffs. These are people who pay the bills; these are the people who are being called Nazis and mobsters by their government. These are people that are being told that there's something is wrong with them. Because they embrace the Constitutional form of government we have.

- We've got the philosophy of fascism and national socialism at work here. Of course we do.

- You mean like Bobby Byrd, the Klansman, in the U.S. Senate there, right, James?

- This needed the context:
COOPER: But I mean, Mark, what you're saying makes sense to me here when I'm hearing what you're saying. But then I read on your blog, you say -- you call the president an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief.


COOPER: Is that the kind of...

WILLIAMS: That's the way he's behaving.

- This is Americans being attacked by their own government and rising to the defense...

- And, you know, by now we're used to Jimmy Carter spouting stupid stuff that puts this country in a bad light.

- And that is this administration is doing everything it can to dig into the pockets of the working Americans, steal from them, and steal from future generations, while borrowing from the Chinese today, to undermine this country.

- Well, the difference between me and a lot of people is, there are people in the professional race-baiting business who make a good living off perpetuating racism.

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