Friday, December 18, 2009


According to this piece in the WaPo, Sen. Nelson is full of shit about Nebraska having to shell out a lot more money for Medicaid:
Under the legislation, much of the extension of coverage would be accomplished by raising the threshold for Medicaid eligibility to a uniform level across the country -- to 133 percent of the poverty level in the Senate bill, and 150 percent of the poverty level in the House bill.

To keep this expansion from burdening already-strapped state governments, the bills call for the federal government to pick up nearly the entire cost of covering newly eligible people -- 91 percent of the cost in the House bill, and even more of it in the Senate bill.

Under the legislation, states that have been stingy -- Nebraska covers parents to only 58 percent of poverty, and does not cover childless adults -- will be able to cover their low-income residents with the feds picking up more than 90 percent of the cost.


Ken Hoop said...

Ken Hoop said...

must read.

Steve J. said...


I really liked Glenn's piece - thanx.