Friday, December 18, 2009


(via John Walker at FDL)

I can see the point behind Sen. Nelson's objection to the expansion of Medicaid:
GOP senators to block defense bill in bid to delay health-care vote

By Paul Kane and Lori Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 18, 2009; A03

Earlier Thursday, in an interview with a Nebraska radio station, Nelson said even if the abortion issue were resolved, he still could not support the $848 billion package, complaining that the plan to cover more than 30 million additional Americans calls for dramatically expanding Medicaid, which is partially funded by the states. The Medicaid expansion would "create an underfunded federal mandate for the state of Nebraska," Nelson said, arguing that states should be permitted to "opt out" of that idea and find other ways to offer coverage to their poorest residents.

Now, why doesn't he propose some help for the states?

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