Friday, December 18, 2009


I assumed that major conservative players like Frum and Kain would be at least somewhat familiar with the bilge poured out by right-wing radio hosts and I was wrong. Now it seems that two POLITICO reporters, Josh Gerstein and John F. Harris, also don't have a clue because they wrote this:
Two presidents later, the saga feels like a far-off chapter in the nation’s history,

I think it's fair to say that not a single weekday goes by without a derogatory mention of the Clinton sex scandal, directly or indirectly, on at least one of the wingnut radio shows.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Frum himself is an Israel First neocon bigot. He embarked in the 1990s on a crusade to oust all the traditional anti-war conservatives from the GOP and is still at it.