Monday, December 13, 2010


(h/t Mark at News Corpse)

You may recall that the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) found that FOX News viewers were the most uninformed about Iraq in the summner of 2003. FOX hasn't gotten any better since then.

In August 2009 an NBC/WSJ poll found that the FOX rubes were also the least informed about health care reform:
On Health Care Reform, Those Who Believe That It Will… MSNBC/CNN Viewers Fox News Viewers
Give Coverage To Illegal Immigrants: 41% 72%
Lead To A Government Takeover: 39% 79%
Pay For Abortions: 40% 69%
Stop Care To The Elderly: 30% 75%

A more recent PIPA poll done after the 2010 mid-term found that on a number of issues, FOX News rubes were simply delusional:
91% believe that the stimulus legislation lost jobs.
63% believe that the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts.
49% believe that income taxes have gone up.

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