Thursday, April 21, 2011


(h/t Jennifer Epstein at POLITICO)
The last few days, I haven't listened closely to the rightwing gasbags but I have picked up on their impassioned defense of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.  They don't seem to have convinced enough people, according to this WaPo/ABC News poll.  Here's the main result in choice (d):

Also in April, a McClatchy-Marist poll found that 64% favored increasing taxes on the rich. Back in March, a WSJ/NBC poll found that 68% supported a tax increase on the rich.


Ken Hoop said...

Self-defeating fools at best, at least the un-rich flock who buy this.

Steve J. said...

Yup. BTW, you might be interested in reading Grady McWhiney's book "Cracker Cullture." His main thesis is that the warlike individualists of the northern part of Britain who have a Celtic heritage emigrated to the back country of the colonies and had a lasting influence on Southern culture.