Thursday, April 21, 2011


"Teh burns!!!"
Conservative activist: Bible, Ben Franklin, Pilgrims all opposed to net neutrality
By Eric W. Dolan
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 -- 7:24 pm
The Raw Story

The idea that all Internet traffic should be treated equally is against the teachings of the Bible and America's Founding Fathers, according to evangelical Christian minister and political activist David Barton.

During his radio show on Tuesday, he said that net neutrality violated the Biblical principle of free markets, a principle upheld by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.

"That is part of the reason we have prosperity," Barton said. "This is what the Pilgrims brought in, the Puritans brought in, this is free market mentality. Net neutrality sounds really good, but it is socialism on the Internet."

"This is really, I’m going to use the word wicked stuff, and I don’t use that word very often, but this is wicked stuff," he added.

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