Sunday, April 24, 2011


(h/t Ken Layne at Wonkette)

Stephen L. Goldstein at the SunSentinel has a nice take down of Rep. Paul "Boy Genius" Ryan's budget proposal:
2012 elections will be about tax cuts for the rich versus health care
By Stephen L. Goldstein
April 22, 2011

Wealth care vs. health care.

That choice will frame the debate for the 2012 election. As a result, President Barack Obama has already won his second term, and Democrats will recapture majorities in both houses of Congress.

Whiz kid wannabe, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., will be the unwitting savior of the Democratic Party and cause of his party's humiliating defeat. He issued his penny-pinching "Path to Prosperity" before the president spoke about our debt and deficit. For the unveiling, image consultants gave the Wisconsonite a new hairdo to soften his usual menacing part and ghoulish gaze, but they couldn't change the mean-spirited, elitist strategy to which he committed Republicans: AdiĆ³s — Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid; Hola — tax cuts for the drowning-in-money.

For average Americans, Ryan's "Path" is a road to ruin. The Ryan Republican tea party would make a 65-year-old eligible for Medicare in 10 years pay nearly $6,400 more than people pay today — and force them into the private insurance market, where they probably won't be able to afford, or even get, coverage.

Ryan promises magically to create prosperity-for-all by pledging never to raise revenue while redistributing trillions in wealth care to the rich.

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