Monday, December 05, 2011


In this article, POLITICO reports that:
But now Coburn — who declared a year ago that Gingrich is “the last person I’d vote for for president” and lacks the character to lead the nation — offers a brisk no comment when approached.
However, just this weekend on FAUX News, Coburn slammed Newt:
Tom Coburn takes dim view of Newt Gingrich as president
By Kathleen Hennessey

December 4, 2011, 7:32 a.m

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn says he “will have difficulty supporting (Gingrich) as president of the United States” based on his experience serving in the House during Gingrich’s years as speaker.

“The thing is there are all type of leaders. Leaders that instill confidence, leaders that are somewhat abrupt and brisk, leaders that have one standard for the people they are leading and different standard for themselves,” Coburn said on Fox News Sunday. “I found his leadership lacking.”

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Savage has been going on about Gingrich. Can't win has-been.

But I find this more interesting.