Monday, December 05, 2011


Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer have attacked the latest Gong Show episode: the Newsmax/Trump "debate" on 12/17. This afternoon, Hannity not only supported the debate, he had The Donald on his radio show.  Ron Paul won't attend but Newt will.

Proof that the Baggers, "constitutional conservatives" or whatever you want to call those freaks are a minority even in the Republican primaries: Last week, Mark "Foamer" Levin announced that if he were to vote now, his choice would be between Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum. Here are the latest numbers for these two:
Poll: Gingrich, Romney only "acceptable" candidates to GOP voters
By Brian Montopoli
December 5, 2011 4:13 PM

A new poll out from Gallup finds that only Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are considered acceptable presidential candidates by a majority of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters.

The numbers for Ron Paul, who is polling in third in Iowa, are discouraging. Just 34 percent called Paul an acceptable nominee, while 62 percent called him unacceptable. Rick Santorum tied Paul as the candidate seen by the highest percentage of voters as unacceptable.

Fifty-six percent called Michele Bachmann unacceptable,

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