Sunday, May 29, 2005


Below I quoted some of Dean's comments on Pigboy and Falafel Man. Pigboy took the unusual step of posting a transcript of his response on his site. Here I'll post some excerpts with a bit of commentary.

Did you know in his younger days he admitted to being a binge drinker? He admitted to being one. It might be helpful if we could see his medical records, might be helpful if we could get Dean's medical records and plaster them all over CNN because we won't really know the truth about anything until we get these medical records, where have we heard this? And, you know, he said that he had a problem with drinking up until the time he was 30 and quit then. I dug the story out of the New York Daily News today

No, I didn't know that but I commend Dean for being honest. We don't need to see Dean's medical records because he is not under investigation for illegally obtaining a controlled substance by going to several doctors to get prescriptions for over 2,000 pills in one month alone.

He also admitted yesterday that the perfect Democrat is actually a socialist, Bernie Sanders. He identified Bernie Sanders as the ideal Democrat, and Bernie Sanders said, "Wait a minute. I'm not a Democrat. I'm a socialist."

I like Bernie's politics. He comes on the Thom Hartmann radio show on Fridays and you can get the streaming audio here. It may be fair to describe Bernie as a socialist but I don't have a problem with that because Bernie really seems to be for the average guy, unlike, say, Alan Greenspan. Dean, however, did not describe Bernie as the ideal Democrat. Here's part of what Dean said:

DR. DEAN: Bernie and I have had our difficulties over the years. We've had our strong disagreements. He's a strong personality. We're fighting for the future of America, and a Bernie Sanders in the United States Senate is going to be a whole lot better than somebody who will vote to confirm right-wing judges, somebody who will vote to undo minority rights, somebody who will vote to kill Social Security. This is a battle where personalities and differences have to be put aside, and we have to do what's right for America.

I don't know where PigBoy got the Bernie quote. I went to Bernie's site and I didn't find it in print. This may be another case of PigBoy making shit up.

What kind of a doctor must Howard Dean have been to lie about somebody's medical condition and confirm the lie and then say, "Well, you know, Limbaugh, he makes fun of people all over the place, but we all need to protect our ethical standards." It was just contradictory as it could be.

A joke is not a lie. Perhaps it was in poor taste but you reap what you sow, PigBoy. I recall PB on his old TV show calling the then 13-yr old Chelsea a dog.

He ran against me in 2004, every speech he closed out, "The flag doesn't belong to Rush Limbaugh! We're taking back the flag," and he's got me on the brain.
This is another PB delusion. I do recall others talking about taking back the flag from these scoundrel "patriots" but I don't think Dean did and he certainly did not end every speech with that statement.

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