Friday, May 13, 2005


Tom DeLay says Democrats have 'no class'
By SHARON THEIMER Associated Press Writer
May 13, 3:51 AM EDT

"I think the message tonight is, if they pick a fight with Tom DeLay, they pick a fight with all of us," Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said. … Republican Party Chairman Ken Mehlman was there and sat at the head table with DeLay.

A Conservative Salute to DeLay
By Tom Hamburger Times Staff Writer

As guests dined on salmon and filet mignon, they heard videotaped tributes to the Texas Republican from House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, former North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms, Focus on the Family leader James Dobson and other conservative luminaries
Most every speaker echoed the pugnacious theme. "We don't run from our wounded," said Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation.
"Are we going to let them beat him down?" asked former Louisiana congressman Bob Livingston, the Speaker-designate who resigned his seat during the 1998 Clinton impeachment shortly after reports surfaced of Livingston's extramarital affairs.
"No!" the crowd roared.
"Are we going to fight to be sure Tom DeLay is here for a long time to come?"

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